Friday, October 04, 2013

Australia - Wk 5 - Day 5 Review Day & Hunter Education Course

Today will be a review & reading day. I have decided that I will have the girls pick a favorite topic from this week. I will them have them research it further. I think this will help build better research skills and help them with their reading and writing.

Check out our Australia Pinterest Board for Ideas 

   This morning we did mange to get outside and explore our surroundings. My oldest had fun observing the clouds.

I also found out recently that Oklahoma allows people ages 10 and older to take the hunter's education course online. So my oldest enrolled and started last night. We manged to get through lesson 2 and began again this morning. So far we have only made it through lesson 4.  She has really enjoyed the courses and has done very well with the quizzes. I'm thankful that they offer this online now and I'm even more thankful that my daughter is learning more about hunting safety.

Here is the link - 

Oklahoma Hunter Education

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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