Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pilgrims/Thanksgiving Unit - Day 4

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I hope your day is going great. Today we started out working in our math workbooks. My hope is that we can get through the math books by the end of the year. If we don't I'm okay with that. I do think we are making pretty good progress though and that makes me happy.

After we finished math, we took a virtual tour of the Mayflower. Click Here to take your own virtual tour. We loved it! I know I've told you about this site in previous posts, but I just can't say enough great things about it. I love how it relates the information is such a way that my children can easily understand. I also love the fact that with a press of a button, it will read the paragraphs to your child. This is great for the child that may have some reading difficulties or the mom busy helping others.
After the tour we learned more about the navigation instruments used such as the quadrant and the cross-staff. These instruments helped determine the Mayflower's latitude, or north-south position. 

What was life like for the Pilgrims in Plymouth Colony in about 1627? 
Below is a video that explains just that. 

We also worked on our Pilgrim Unit Study vocabulary words. A great site to help your child learn their spelling and vocabulary words is Vocabulary Spelling City. We use this site a lot and it has helped my girls tremendously. 

We also looked through a book called Pilgrims and Native Americans Hands-on Projects About Life in Early America by Jennifer Quasha.  The book has lots of great hands-on projects and we plan on doing one sometime next week.

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