Sunday, December 01, 2013

Making Memories

 What do the days after Thanksgiving mean to our family? Well, it means it's time to get into the Christmas spirit. I have to admit in previous years, our Christmas spirit has came later than sooner. This year however has proved to  be quite the opposite. The day after Thanksgiving, the tree was put up and decorating with our girls was a ton of fun. My husband even put lights up outside this year. They look so beautiful.  

My hubby lifting our youngest to place the angel on the tree.

Yesterday while out and about, my hubby found and purchased the cutest gingerbread house kit. I was quite delighted at the enjoyment he anticipated would come from putting this together with our girls. The girls were so excited this morning when they awoke. They couldn't wait to get the house together and decorated. So they all gathered together and began and the final house was perfect. 

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