Friday, September 12, 2014

The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner ~ Review

I recently had the opportunity to review The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner from The 7 Minute Life.  What a fantastic tool for organizing your life. I'm so happy to be able to use it. I've seen many planners in my life, but I've never quite seen anything like The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner.

The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner is a 7.3" by 8.5" physical spiraled planner for adults that allows you to set priorities and stick to them, learn to avoid interruptions and distractions, master unfinished tasks, and declutter your mind and life.  

When I first received it, I was a bit anxious about it. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to work for me. I quickly learned that it was truly unlike any other planner I had ever came across. Not in a bad way either. I found that it challenged me to want to make changes and stick with them by planning and taking actions. 

There is a wonderful and very helpful introduction included at the beginning of the planner. This section allowed me to understand the goal of The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner and what planning could do for my life. It also explained each section of the planner and how to easily get started using it. 

I learned that by spending 7 minutes a day with  The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner, that it would enable me to 

  • Define my values
  • Discover my purpose
  • Set written goals
  • Monitor my physical health
  • Get rid of clutter in my life
  • Have a daily plan of action
  • Track my progress
I must admit, I was excited, because all of it sounded wonderful, but I still wasn't quite sure how it was going to work for me.

One of the first things the planner did for me, was challenge me to prioritize what values are most important to me.  I was able to place a check mark next to the values that were important to me and then narrow them down to a top 10. 

The next section challenged me even more, by asking me to write what my purpose in life is. I did write it, and I must admit, it felt great to write it out. 

The next sections in the books allowed me to write out what I love to do, my strengths, rewards, mental clutters, personal, work, financial, and life goals. I was also able to write out unfinished tasks, home repair information, and connections. There is even a grocery list included. I enjoyed writing all these out. I have goals, strengths, and mental clutters. We all do, but I never realized how much more came to me as I began to write them down before my eyes. I had barely made it into the planner and I was already feeling like I was accomplishing something huge. I finally began to see how it was going to work for me. 

The planner also includes an annual calendar at a glance, 90-day calendar worksheets, and a monthly calendar at a glance. The planner is not dated. I didn't mind though. I actually liked being able to fill the dates in as needed.

My favorite and most used section of the planner is called "daily progress report". In this section I was able keep track of my daily water and food intake, which was much needed. I was able to list daily contacts, unfinished tasks, what I spent, appointments, and five things I would do before 11. The five things before 11 was my absolute favorite. I found myself actually getting way more accomplished before 11 a.m. than I had before using the planner. It was exciting! Just writing them down and then doing them, left me with a wonderful feeling. I was able to focus on accomplishing the things that were important for my family.

There is also a voice mail area. I didn't really need a voice mail area, so I used that spot to write notes about our daily homeschooling activities and goals. It worked great for me.

The back of the planner has an area for notes and also includes an exercise progress report. I haven't used this yet, but plan on using it soon.

Final Thought

I found The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner to be a fantastic tool for organizing my life. It challenged me to write down and act upon goals and decisions. Like I stated before, it truly is unlike any planner I have used before. It's motivational and inspiring. It got me thinking and acting in a much more positive manner and that is always a wonderful thing. I highly recommend this planner to anyone wanting to prioritize, organize, and simplify.

How much does The 7 Minute Life™ Daily Planner cost?


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  1. Hi Jennifer, this is Allyson Lewis from The 7 Minute Life. Wow! Thank you so much for your thoughtful review. As your friends and followers read your post - The 7 Minute Life Daily Planner is meant to be a tool to help people step back and take time to re-connect with their values, rediscover their purpose in life, take time to think through why they were placed on this earth and how they could use what they love to do most and the God-given strengths and talents to find more meaning and purpose in life.

    This is not a calendar - a calendar tells you when you need to arrive at a meeting our work on a task. The 7 Minute Life Daily Planner is a tool created to help you THINK about what is the best use of your time every day. Then, if we can choose to focus on God's best for our lives, hopefully we can reduce the noise and distractions and replace them with faith, hope, love, and peace.

    Thanks again,

    Allyson Lewis

    1. So glad you liked the review. Thank you for creating such a wonderful planner. I really enjoy using it. Many Blessings!

  2. Hi Jennifer - Michele here. This is such a poignant review and description of what The 7 Minute Life is all about! Thank you for your insights. I hope you have been inspired as you certainly have inspired others to engage in a more meaningful life!

    1. Thanks for the nice feedback. :) I'm happy that you liked the review.


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