Friday, October 07, 2011

Autumn Love - A leaf Study

We love our Fridays! Today is a perfect day to be backyard explorer! A perfect day to study about fall and leaves. My girls absolutely love to rake leaves and jump in them. They really love to do leaf rubbings, but I wondered if they even understood why leaves change colors in fall. Today was a perfect opportunity to play with leaves and learn all about them. 

Me: "Girls why do leaves change color in the fall?"

Oldest DD: "Because, all the good stuff in the leaves go to the branches and roots to get ready for winter."  

Well I'm sure by the good stuff, she must mean nutrients. :)

Middle DD: Because it is fall!

Youngest DD: Because they just do!


I have found some great resources for learning about Fall and leaf identification. Hope you enjoy them.

The Girls working on their Fall words.


Gather leaves, paste on jar, insert tea light and enjoy!

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  1. We love the fall, too! Leave identification and leaf rubbings are fun and an annual tradition for us. I really like the leaf lantern idea! We'll have to borrow that one. ;0)

  2. What a fun study! Fall is my favorite season. :)

  3. Pretty leaf lamp! My daughter loves leaves but lately she's REALLY been into frogs.

    1. Thanks! Leaves are so fun to do crafts with. Frogs are really cool too! :)


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