Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal #1

In my life this week…

   My Sweet Girl G turned 7! Big milestone! Not actually sure why, but her turning 7 was  bittersweet. Maybe it's because it just seems like yesterday that I brought her home from the hospital . I have also had some time to work on my blog and have recently been updating it. This week really did seem to fly by. 
In our homeschool this week…

 We started a new unit study on Mexico. This week has been focused  on the location maps, flags, and culture crafts.  I have devoted a blog post to resources I have found. ---Mexico Unit Study
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

 It's okay to take breaks, where breaks are needed. Often times my fear of not being able to complete a certain activity, book, or unit and trying to pushing through it has hampered my child's interest. 
I am inspired by…   

 I just recently learned that my mil would love to raise money to have a clean water well drilled in Africa.  
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Well we went to the grocery store, post office, dollar store, vet and our families homes...That could be a social studies lesson, right? lol :)
My favorite thing this week was…

  First I must say, I am not a baker. I usually buy birthday cakes. This year I gave my daughter the option of me making one or buying one. Well, of course, she wanted me to make her one. No problem right? Well my oven is broke and all I have is a toaster oven to use right now. I fretted over how I was going to tackle this. My Wonderful husband had a solution. He was going to make the cake with a 8x8 pan in the toaster oven. Not just a regular cake, but an ice cream cake! Mind you my husband doesn't bake either, as a matter of fact he hardly ever cooks. His specialty is grilled cheese sandwiches, lol. Well after he researched and gathered the supplies he began. I of course supervised and helped him measure things. We finished that cake together at 3 in the morning. Yep, a toaster oven isn't the choice of ovens to use, if you are in a hurry. :)  I had so much fun that evening helping him, we were a baking team. We were so proud of our lopsided ice cream cake. 

The Ice Cream Cake before it was decorated. 

Questions/thoughts I have…

Do you participate in Halloween? 

A photo to share…

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Love the flying blue bird flying around your blog! Happy birthday to your little girl! Great cake! Hoppin' by from THMJ!


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