Friday, October 14, 2011

Simpson's Old Time Museum - Field Trip Day!

Field Trip Day!

I recently had the opportunity to visit Simpson's Old Time Museum. It was a lot of fun! My mother had done research and surprised the girls and I with a homeschool trip to visit it. Gotta love mom! :)

We have arrived!

Girls holding signed photos!

They were amazed at all the beautiful dolls in this collection!

This is an very old wheelchair!

Movie set for western movies!

Another part of movie set. Notice the old white ice box! The girls were surprised to learn that it was used to store ice. 

Another part of set.

Look were naturals at acting! ;)

Signed True Grit Movie Script! Too cool! 

I use to love watching Jane Seymour 

We had a fantastic time. The trip was very educational! I think I took about 100 pictures, lol! :)

Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop

Hop on over to to see some other awesome field trips!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by, the Field Trip link up is now up and running, if you'd like to link up a post :D I'm following you on GFC too!


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