Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday!

Let me first start out by saying. I am a procrastinator! This is a down fall I have. I will wait if I know i can. If I can't, I will probably try to anyways. I'm great at planning, but following through is a struggle. I have a list in my head of things that I want to do and that list could probably stretch a mile long. I have found so many crafts and homeschool projects on Pinterest that I would love to do.  I could be doing an awesome craft right now but, In true Jennifer style I am here writing about my procrastination issue. ;)  Well to get to the point, I'm going to start  Top 10 Tuesday!  Every Tuesday I hope to list 10 things I want to accomplish in the week. They don't have to be big important things. Maybe, things like crafts, write a letter, finish paperwork, file bills, and so on. So here goes my first Top 10 Tuesday! 

Like my button I created for it!? lol  You can use it, I don't mind. ;)

2. Work on patience in schooling and life in general!
3. Read Bible daily
5. Clean out fridge
6. Clean my room!
7. Take Pictures of girls
8. Write a letter and get it mailed
10. Go through daughters closet 

Okay, My first Top Ten Tuesday list is made. I'm actually kinda excited about it!

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