Friday, November 04, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal #2

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week…
    What a week! On Monday my grandfather passed away. He was a very wise man and will be greatly missed. Family came in Tuesday and we attended the funeral on Thursday. It's so hard to know that you will never see them again. I'm trying to take comfort in knowing that he is in a better place now. Also on Tuesday, My sil had a beautiful 7lb baby boy. This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. 
In our homeschool this week…
 This week has been very hit and miss. We spent mornings focusing on our Mexico Unit Study. Afternoons were spent with reading & writing. My oldest has been working on a reading chain, to accomplish her goal of 100 books. 
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
  This week was spent gathering with family. A lot of our family came in from Texas. Family we hardly ever get to see. It was nice to catch up and spend some time together, just wish it was under different circumstances. 
My favorite thing this week was…
  My middle girl has a new favorite game. It's Tic Tac Toe, but that's not what she calls it. This week while spending time at my parents, she asked everyone she could if they would play Tac-Too with her. My brother-in-law played game after game until he was Tac-Tooed out. ;)  Of course when she was saying it, it sounded more like Tattoo. 
Questions/thoughts I have…
 How does everyone Schedule? Do you use a program or a specific planner? I tend to schedule weekly. I have tried to schedule monthly and have hardly been able to keep on track to our needs. 
Things I’m working on…
 Going to bed earlier..It's a work in progress. I tend to stay up so very late, and it's catching up to me. 
I’m reading…
 I just started  Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl
I’m cooking…
  This week the girls and I made no-bake cookies. So easy and so yummy. 

     I’m praying for…

 My grandmother. I pray for comfort and strength in this hard time. 
A photo to share…
 Our sweet girls

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to read that your grandfather passed away! It's SO hard! (My grandmother passed away this spring.)

    And congratulations on the new baby!

    Scheduling? Well, school is scheduled for 9:00-12:00 Monday-Friday, but it doesn't always happen that way. ;) The kids need to get Language Arts and Math completed each day with either or both Science and History. On Friday we go on a field trip or do nature studies and art lessons. I used to be a very STRICT scheduler, but I've become most more relaxed over the last 8 years of homeschooling! LOL

    Have a GREAT week! Stopping by from THMJ!


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