Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award!

Awards are great! I checked my e-mail the other morning to see that blogger Jean over @ (Dogwood Academy) had nominated me for a lovely award. Thanks Jean

 One Lovely Blog Award Rules:
1. Link back to the one who gave you this award.
2. Pass the award on to 15 other lovely bloggers.
3. Follow the person who sent it to you.

I would like to award these 15 bloggers:


  1. Thank you very much! So sweet of you to think of me and Living at the Whitehead's Zoo blog.

  2. Hi There!
    Thanks so much for your comment and the award! I am so thrilled. I am also excited to share your blog with my sister in law. She home schools my nephew!
    Thank you for making my day!
    Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

  3. Thank you so much!!! This is very kind of you.


Thank you for your comment! :)