Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Homeschooling with Pinterest

What's your favorite homeschooling website?

Mine is most certainly Pinterest.

 I'm sure you have heard of it by now and if not, go to it now! You won't be disappointed! It truly is the motherload of all things crafty, diy, freebies, ideas, and so much more.

Picture From Pinterest

I was recently contacted about spearheading a board geared towards homeschoolers. This came as quite the shock and I'm so honored to be part of such a great resource board that will help many educators for years to come. 
I'm thrilled to share the board with you. 

 I have used pinterest so many times to plan out many unit studies for my girls. I often wonder how I managed to put units together so organized without this awesome website. :)  My girls are always asking to look on pinterest for a new craft to make. Tonight they did just that and with their daddy's help they made maracas! 

I wonder what craft they will find tomorrow?

Check out this blog post:

I hope you stop by to visit, share, pin and have fun doing it all! 

A link to other Teachers on Pinterest

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