Friday, August 16, 2013

Turn Your Old Cards Into Fun Magnets

Hi Friends!

Do you have old cards that are just taking up space? Maybe you have thought about throwing them out. Wait! Before you do that, read what we have done with ours. You might just want to do the same. 

 I decided that while I had some downtime (Long Story - I'll explain in another post) that I would slowly go through some clutter that seems to be taking over the kitchen cabinets.

I have an office cabinet in the kitchen, where I keep envelopes, documents, & random other papers. I have also been using the top shelf to store all the cards we have received through the years.
I have often thought about throwing them out. Instead I came up with an idea to have my girls turn the cute pictures on them into magnets to play with.   I'm really glad we have turned what I considered clutter into fun magnets. They are enjoying using them to create their own stories. Right now they are playing with them on the refrigerator, but my hubby plans on making them their own magnetic board soon. Super fun! 



  1. I have seen old Christmas cards turned into Christmas ornaments...but this is a great idea for all of those cards from other holidays and events!!

    1. :) Glad you like it! My daughters have enjoyed them a bunch and they have held up pretty decent.

  2. Anonymous7.8.14

    Awesome idea! I pinned it to my rainy day ideas board for later :-)

    1. Thanks! :) I love pinterest! I'll have to check out your board


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