Monday, September 09, 2013

Ocean Unit - Week 2

Hello Friends, 
    I have to say today was a pretty good Monday. Why? You might ask. Well friends, we learned about the coral reef and seahorses. Busy day, I might add! So fun though. 

The girls made very neat coral reefs

Learning about seahorses was too fun. We listened to a Pebblego presentation and watched a video of the male seahorse giving birth. Yep, the male! The girls thought that was so weird. 

We decided that we needed an outside break, so we headed over to the park for a little break. When we arrived we saw a beehive, so we observed that for a minute, before the girls dashed off to play. They later returned to shoot off a rocket with their grandma. They thought the rocket was a ton of fun.

Here Are Some Coral Reef Resources

Here are some Seahorse Resources

1 comment:

  1. Nice! It looks like you are a few days ahead of our co-op. I'll just have to follow behind, picking up your great ideas!


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