Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Polar Regions Unit - Wk 3 - Day 2 - Roald Amundsen

Today I will be sharing some Roald Amundsen and Antarctica resources. Hope you enjoy.

Roald Amundsen Resources

Roald Amundsen
 and his dog team at the

 South Pole

Who was Roald Amundsen?
Roald Amundsen was the first man to lead a successful expedition to the South Pole arriving December 14, 1911.  He famously arrived about a month before  British explorer Robert Flacon Scott and his party that set out at around the same time. Amundsen used dog sleds, his party was well organised and well prepared with the primary intention of reaching the pole, rather than other exploration or scientific discovery.

In November 1956 the United States Government built a Amundsen-Scott Station Research Station. It was built as a part of its commitment to the scientific goals of the International Geophysical Year an international effort lasting from January 1957 through June 1958. It was to study, among other things, the geophysics of the polar regions.
A map of Antarctica showing the location of the 
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (circled)

The Amundsen–Scott South Pole Scientific Station is the southernmost habitation on Earth. It is continuously inhabited. Its name honors Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott.

Antarctica Resources

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