Monday, September 23, 2013

Polar Regions - Wk 4 - Day 6 The Arctic

Today we learned about the North Pole, talked about arctic wolves, polar bears, the arctic tern, longitude and latitude, polar explorers, did an experiment and watched a few videos. I don't know about you friends, but I was tired, tired, tired today. I think I almost fell asleep watching the last video. Not because it wasn't good, because it was very interesting. I just knew I could close my eyes and still listen. Not! It seems I did drift off a couple times to dream land, only to return to my daughters voice telling me I had fallen asleep, oops! :) I'll try harder to get to bed earlier tonight I suppose. ;)

Below is a video about the Arctic Tern and how far they migrate. Very interesting! My mother-in-law shared this video with us, and I'm so glad she did. Those Arctic Terns are pretty darn cool! 

The explorers we talked about today were Robert Peary and Frederick Cook

Frederick Cook
Robert Peary

I usually have a ton of resources to share, but not today friends. We will be learning about all these great things all week long and I do plan on sharing the resources. 

Must get sleep!
:/ z z z z 

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