Thursday, October 03, 2013

Australia - Wk 5 - Day 4 - Explorers & Deserts

Today started out really good and finished even better. We started out the day by decorating the front of our Australia folders. We then took a trip to the library, where we picked up a book about the explorer Captain Cook, a book about deserts and a book about strange animals of Australia. We also learned more about the flag of Australia, and finished up our day with a couple videos. Pretty productive day, and much better than yesterday. :)

Below you will find Desert Resources as well as Explorer Resources.

Deserts of Australia

The deserts of Australia cover 1,371,000 square kilometres (529,000 sq mi), or 18% of the Australian mainland.

We learned that deserts can be divided into five types:
Subtropical Deserts
Continental Deserts
Rainshadow Deserts
Coastal Deserts
Polar Deserts

Click here for a printable pdf. with this great information: Deserts in Australia

There are 10 deserts in Australia: 

The Great Victoria DesertGreat Sandy DesertTanami Desert, Simpson Deset, Gibson Desert, Little Sandy Desert, Strzelecki Desert, Sturt Stony Desert, Tirari Desert, Pedirka Desert.

Only 3% of the Australian population live in the desert. 

Explorers of Australia

The first Englishman to see Australia was William Dampier

In 1770, Captain James Cook was the first European to explore the eastern coastline of Australia.

William Dampier Resources

Captain James Cook Resources

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