Friday, October 25, 2013

My baby girl turned 9 today

         Today was a bittersweet day. A day of joy and a day of a little sadness. Sadness that my daughter is growing up way too fast and happiness because this little girl is growing into such a sweet young lady. She is loving and caring. She may be growing up super fast, but one thing is for sure though, she will always be my baby girl! I think back to the days of carrying her in my belly. Falling in love with her before I even knew if she was indeed a she. Thinking of all the "life" we would one day experience together. Picking her name and then changing it at the last moment because the last pick was perfect. It really was! I thought back on all the times my heart hurt when she had fallen ill, or hurt herself (she is clumsy like me), or just felt sad. I will never forget the scare she gave when she was five. She decided to try to do a magic trick and fell onto a screw and had to be rushed to the er to receive stitches. She was so brave. I remember all the times she has made me laugh with her witty responses and fun loving silly attitude. Her love for music and dancing around the house. I will continue to remember and make new memories but I have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy each and every moment because they truly do pass way too fast.


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