Monday, November 18, 2013

Pilgrim/Thanksgiving Unit Day 1

 Today was another great day of co-teaching with my wonderful mother-in-law. You can follow her on her blog at The Homeschool Hive.

   We started our Pilgrim unit today and I have to say I thought the day went very well. We started out by watching The Mayflower Story. I thought the videos were very informative.

My mother-in-law happened to have a pretty cool copy of the Mayflower Compact that she showed and read to the girls. 

The girls then completed a Thanksgiving writing activity on how they would cook a turkey. I have to say, it was hilarious to read and write down how they thought a turkey should be cooked.

You can find the writing activity here.

I'm pretty sure that the longest time that one girl said a turkey should be cooked was 20 minutes and the shortest time was 4 minutes. Haha! Pretty sure I won't be eating any turkey from them. I will however teach them the right way. :)

We also talked about what the pilgrims packed for their voyage on the Mayflower. My mother-in-law made cute little suitcases out of construction paper. The girls then drew on a piece of paper what they would bring if they were traveling on the Mayflower and placed the paper inside the suitcase. Cute activity. 

The girls even managed to get in a game of battleship. That's math isn't it? :) 

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