Monday, December 09, 2013

Making Cinnamon Ornaments - Recipe

Hello Friends, 
We made more ornaments today. I really didn't plan to, but I'm glad we did. My friend came to visit today, and was telling my girls and I about cinnamon ornaments. Apparently, when she was in kindergarten, many years ago, she made one for her mother. She claims it still smells good to this day. Yep, I was sold! I also heard that you can spray cinnamon oil on them to refresh them. I thought it was a wonderful idea. :) Anyhow they are super easy to make and they do smell so wonderful. While making them, the whole house filled up with a wonderful cinnamon aroma. I think my hubby was a bit disappointed, that they weren't edible, when he arrived home.  Ha! Good thing we made some no-bake cookies shortly before. 

Cinnamon Ornaments 

1 cup ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons glue
3/4 cup applesauce

In a bowl, stir together the cinnamon, applesauce and glue. Work the mixture with your hands for 2 to 3 minutes to form a ball. If mixture is too wet, add more cinnamon. If mixture is too dry, you might need to add more applesauce.

Lightly dust the surface with cinnamon. Roll out the dough to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters, and use a straw to make a hole at the top for hanging.

Dry in oven at 200 degrees for several hours, or air dry in a sunny spot for 4 or 5 days. 

When dry, decorate!

We choose to decorate with glitter. We also added glue and then poured salt on the glue, then lightly touched the glue with watercolors. Those turned out pretty cute. 

I also chose to not decorate a few, just because they were so cute the way they were. :) Hope you have fun making yours.

Click here to check out our Salt Dough Ornaments 

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