Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Old Schoolhouse Blue Ribbon Awards for 2014

The Old Schoolhouse Blue Ribbon Awards for 2014

This past year my family and I have had the awesome opportunity to review many products with The Schoolhouse Review Crew. 

Schoolhouse Review Crew

These products have immensely blessed our family and have also allowed me the ability to give you a look at and an honest opinion on each. Being part of the crew has been a huge blessing! I'm sad to see this crew year go, but very excited to start a new crew year soon. Yes! I'll be back at it, reviewing more products and I'm pretty excited about it. 

Now, some more exciting news.....................

At the end of each crew year, we are given the chance to vote for our favorite products in a bunch of different categories.  It's a fun way to thank the many vendors who so graciously allowed us to review their products. This year we had 58 vendors to choose from and they all had some pretty amazing products. So who are the winners?

I'm happy to announce..........The Votes Are In!!!!! 


We are so excited that some of our favorite products won in several categories.  We did have a ton a favorites but today I'm narrowing it down to our top 3.

~Our top 3 favorite products this year were~

ARTistic Pursuits 
Winner: Favorite Fine Arts Product/Curriculum
Winner: Favorite Christian Education Curriculum

CTC Math
Winner: Favorite Math Program

There are a ton more winners and I'd love for you to check them out. 
Click below to learn more about the wonderful products the Schoolhouse Review Crew picked as their favorites. 

The Old Schoolhouse Blue Ribbon Awards for 2014

We would love to know what products you have tried or would like to try. Leave us a comment below. 

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