Monday, November 04, 2013

Native American Unit - Day 1

 So today is day 1 of our Native American Unit. We have had a ton of fun today. We watched a documentary, we decorated our Native American unit folders, completed worksheets, made paper dolls, and decorated and made cute wearable headbands. The girls are also very excited because my hubby told the girls that he would help them build a big tepee in the backyard. They are excited for him to return home from work, very excited.

My oldest decorating her unit folder.
 The folders are used to hold all of the unit worksheets
Visit Our Native American Resource Links Post

Click each day to see what we have been doing with our unit.
                         Day 1         Day 2        Day 3      Day 4        Day 5   
                               Day 6      Day 7   Day 8

The video above is part 1 of 4. 

The headband the girls made

Here are the download links to make the Native American paper headbands.

Feather Download link:

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