Thursday, November 07, 2013

Native American Unit - Day 4 - Lapbook

Today we are working on finishing up our lapbook. We are adding the final touches and reviewing all the information we have added to it. I have found some pretty cool resources and I hope they are helpful to others.

Visit Our Native American Resource Links Page

Click each day to see what we have been doing with our unit.
                         Day 1         Day 2        Day 3      Day 4        Day 5   
                              Day 6      Day 7    Day 8

Native American Clip Art Resources 
*Great for your lapbooks

Lapbook Templates

We also read out loud together parts of the Secret World - Native Americans  book.

We are also reviewing some Native American vocabulary words. Click Here for a list of words you can use. I find it helpful to write the words on the front of index cards and the meaning on the back. I then flip through them with the girls. It also helps with word recognition.

Native American Math Game Resources

Click Here to look at this fantastic Native American math game I found. Too Cute!

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