Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Native Americans - Day 8 - Northeast Woodland

 Today we are focusing on the Native Americans of the Northeast. We hope everyone has a great day!

Click each day to see what we have been doing with our unit.
                         Day 1         Day 2        Day 3      Day 4        Day 5   
                             Day 6    Day 7  Day 8

We are currently reading:

Native Americans of the Northeast Resources

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13.11.13


    I just wanted to let you know that I sent you an email regarding the Crew. I didn't want you to miss it or have it land in your spam folder. If you did not receive it, please do shoot me an email and I will send it out again.


    Kate Kessler
    Schoolhouse Review Crew
    Product Reviews Director


Thank you for your comment! :)