Monday, October 20, 2014

Easy Peasy Tater Tot Casserole

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  1. Jenny Kurtz20.10.14

    Yum Yum! This is a favorite meal around here at our house! I love that it is so easy that my girls can help me make it. I have also tried a chicken tator tot casserole you make in the crock pot. I got the recipe from pinterest. I believe it's from the blog "The Country Cook". It is pretty good, but we prefer the kind made with ground beef. Looks like your girls had fun helping you in the kitchen! I love that homeschooling gives you more time to get in the kitchen & enjoy cooking with the kids. Have a great week! :)

    1. I'm going to have to check out the chicken version. That sounds yummy as well. Thanks for sharing that with me. Have a great week as well. :)

  2. I lovelovelove tator tot casserole!!

  3. This was the most viewed post in last week's Try a New Recipe Tuesday. Congratulations! Be sure to stop by and grab an "I've been featured" button from my sidebar for your blog. The post should go live shortly. :-)

  4. Hi, I bumped into you over at Try a New Recipe Tuesday! 2 of my kids hate my tator tot casserole and 1 child and my hubby LOVE it, so it is a fun adventure when I make it for dinner! It makes me chuckle every time as they debate it's yumminess level! I'd love for you to share it with us along with a post or two on your homeschooling activities over at Country Fair Blog Hop which is a once a month link up! You' d be a perfect fit and we'd love to have you join us! Jan @ Tip Garden


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