Saturday, October 18, 2014

Field Trip - A trip to the sky

A couple years ago my daughters learned about many wonderful pilots and they absolutely fell in love with the concept of flying. We read a ton of books, watched movies, and did a flying & floating unit study. It was fun for them, but something was still missing. A real plane ride. My husband knew how much they wanted to fly so he arranged a day to do just that. Fortunately, for my daughters, their daddy's friend is a pilot.

When we arrived at the hanger, I could tell the girls were anxious. They were excited but unsure. After all, it was their first time and they had no idea what to expect. The plane was much smaller than they anticipated.

Our friend did a wonderful job explaining the parts of the plane and procedures. One by one we climbed in and buckled up. We were handed our headsets and we talked into them to make sure they were working. We went over the checklist and then it was time to fly. As we entered onto the runway, I peered over at my oldest, who was sitting beside me. She had tears in her eyes. I was nervous for her and asked her if we should stop, but she wanted to continue on. I then looked back behind me, looking for tears from my two youngest. There were definitely not any tears. Those two had the biggest smiles I had ever seen. They were ready to go. We paused at the end of the runway, bowed our heads, prayed and off we went.

My oldest was no longer scared. She was excited and began pointing out all the wonderful things she had never seen from such an view. It was absolutely perfect. I've flown many times but had never had the opportunity to see the view so close to home. I loved it. We all did. The girls thought it was fun to see our house from the sky. We also got to see those huge wind turbines. The ones that look so big from the ground, looked so small from the sky. Our lake, well... it's been in some desperate need of some water and you could really tell from the view we had.

 We all had a wonderful time. The girls have already been asking when we could go again. I actually had a different question for my husband.....Do you want to buy a plane? While a plane may not be in our future, I do anticipate more plane rides with our girls. It was a wonderful moment and will one day be a wonderful memory.

I'm linking up with

Chestnut Grove Academy Field Trip Friday Blog Hop

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  1. Anonymous19.10.14

    It's all about making memories!! So Glad You all got to experience that!!!

  2. What a neat opportunity!! Thanks for sharing at FTF!


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