Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Ocean Unit - Day 3

We started off the day working in our ocean journals. We wrote our bible verse for the day which was:

 "And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called Seas; and God saw that it was good."

Genesis 1:10

Then each of the girls worked on their own language arts work, each appropriate for their ages. 

 My oldest used a dictionary to look up and write the following words in her journal


 We are using some of the resources found in the Amanda Bennett Ocean Unit Study

We used our Xbox Live which has a neat Internet Explorer option to look up ocean websites and explore the information. The girls asked questions and we spent time looking for the answers. It was nice to be able to lay out on the couches and learn at the same time. Homeschooling pro for sure. :) 

The particular site in the above picture is the Smithsonian Ocean Portal 

Another great site is : NeoK12 - Marine Animals 
A bunch of great videos

Each of the girls worked in their own math workbooks for about 30 minutes

We also learned about Leif Erickson and how he was involved with the Ocean. My daughters wrote a paper on the information they found. My oldest used her Nabi 2 to do her research.

Art project for the day: Crayon pictures of the ocean.

We also learned about the Manta Ray

Here are some Manta Ray Resources 

I love this site, because there is an option to have the article read to your children

In the video below Andrea Marshall talks about discovering a second species of giant manta ray.

Lastly we learned about what a Marine Biologist is.

Here are some wonderful Marine Biology Resources 

Here you will find plenty of marine biology resources 

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