Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Ocean Unit - Sharks

Day 2 - Sharks

We started off the day with an adventure with my mother. She is a nurse who works the night shift, so her time off is usually spent resting. She had the opportunity to spend the day with us, so we took it. :) We took a long road trip to a pizza arcade and spent a good amount of time just enjoying each other's company, laughing, and playing games. A day much needed for all of us.

I did not however forget that we just started an awesome ocean unit. So luckily the girls were still eager to learn about sharks when we arrived home. It might have been late, but they were troopers and hey that's the essence of homeschooling right? Who says you can't learn in the night? Certainly not I. :)

We started off reading Amazing Sharks by Melvin Berger.
The book is filled with lots of great information and wonderful pictures. I love that the book is big enough for everyone to see while I'm reading it. 

We learned about shark teeth and that not all sharks have large teeth. We then did a shark craft. I found the craft on Dollar Store Crafts

My oldest did an internet research paper on the length of some sharks. 
   She used sites like google, pebblego, and wikipedia to find the different information on each shark. She then wrote the info on the paper. While she was busy working away, I was busy helping the other girls with their math for the evening. 

After the girls were finished with their math, they each worked on a word find, while I started some laundry and finished a bit of much needed housework.

For language arts this evening they took turns using my Kindle Fire. They used a newly downloaded app called VocabularySpellingCity.
There just so happened to be a beach theme that went along great with our ocean unit. 

After my oldest finished her internet research paper, we went outside to measure the length of a few of the sharks. This proved to be quite fun actually. We got a kick out of how long some of the sharks truly are. 

As I type this the girls are watching a shark documentary on netflix. I'm a few minutes from hitting my bed. :)  It has been a very busy but yet productive day. 

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