Monday, September 02, 2013

Ocean Unit

Today we had a whale of a good time. Having fun and learning as well, makes for a pretty productive homeschool day. 

Today was day 1 of our - Ocean Unit

Follow Jennifer Silcott's board Ocean Unit on Pinterest.

Ocean Unit     
                           Day 1         Day 6 
                           Day 2         Day 7
                           Day 3         Day 8 
                           Day 4         Day 9 
                           Day 5         Day 10

We started off the day with blank folders barring each of the girls' names. They each decorated the outside with ocean related pictures. I have to say, they turned out pretty darn cute. The folders proved to be useful, as they were able to store all of their work inside. 

 We then learned a very neat ocean song that I found on Pinterest.  Click Here to find it

This song sure makes it easy to remember the oceans. 
Catchy little tune :)

By the time we finished some comprehension stories, book work, and a little computer time, we were getting hungry.  So for lunch I mixed us up some Tuna with cheesy noodles and some corn. Yummy! Tuna was the perfect lunch for an ocean unit.
I didn't think to get a picture, probably because I was huuuunngry, lol  

I did however manage to get a picture of the nifty snack we made up. I also found this on Pinterest. Blue Jello, with candy fish and octopus candy. This treat was a big hit! 

After cleaning up, my mother-in-law had a great idea to make an ocean in a bottle. Excellent idea. So we gathered the materials and started to make it right away. I thought I knew how to do it, but I ended up using way too much food coloring. Anyhow, we rinsed the jug and I pulled up the directions found here and tried again. I'm happy with how it turned out. 

Below is an ocean sensory tub I made to get the girls talking and wondering. 
It is filled with seashells, seashell identification cards, ocean toys, and fish identification cards.

 We finished off the day, reading about dolphins and sharks. We also learned about ocean zones, which we plan to learn more in depth as the week goes by. 

We hope you have fun following us on this ocean journey!

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