Monday, September 30, 2013

Australia - Wk 5 - Day 1

Today was the first day of our Australia study. Today the girls learned the location of Australia. We learned about the Aboriginal Culture and Aboriginal art. We also learned about the animals of Australia. Oh yeah, and we talked about the Outback and the Great Barrier Reef. We will be covering all of these subjects more in depth as the week goes by.

Australia Unit
                          Day 1          Day 6 
                          Day 2          Day 7 
                          Day 3          Day 8 
                          Day 4          Day 9 
                          Day 5          Day 10

R making dots for her Aboriginal art

G coloring her Sugar Glider 

B blowing in her Didgeridoo

During the next 2 weeks we will also be learning about explorers of Australia, flag of Australia, Australian food, boomerangs, Australian Christmas traditions, Australian words and expressions, and the 7 states of Australia.

Sounds like I better get busy preparing for a fun couple of weeks. :)


  1. I'm visiting from Throwback Thursday. These are some good resources because I'm studying cultures with my younger girls this year, and we'll make it to Australia soon. :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing these ideas and resources. We aren't doing anything geography wise with other countries this year in our homeschool, but I may do something with the K-3 co-op class and this post is giving me some great ideas. Thanks
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing on Throwback Thursday Blog-Style! I can't wait to see what you share this coming Thursday.


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