Sunday, September 01, 2013

A New Homeschool Year, A New Journey!

Our homeschool year is fixing to begin on Monday. Yes, on Labor Day. Having an extended summer means no Labor Day break, and that's okay, because we are all excited to start. I'm honestly so excited and really hope the excitement lasts. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the burnout. Ha! I think I'm even more excited, because this is the first year that I will be co-teaching right along side my mother-in-law, Debbie. I'm honored to have her help, as she is a seasoned homeschool mother, with lots of ideas and support. You can check out her blog at The Homeschool Hive.  We recently had the chance to sit down and plan our whole school year out. What a relief to know that the planning stage is complete! I can honestly say, that of all the years of homeschooling, I have never had a year planned at a time. I am usually lucky to have a month planned out. :)  

Starting Monday we are going to dive in (pun intended) to a wonderful Ocean Unit. I can't wait to share our resources, photos and progress with all of you awesome readers. 

Here is a rundown of all the units we will be covering this year. Each unit will last 2 weeks. I will try to share as many days as I can with you all. Please note that I will not be able to share everyday for lack of time.

1) Ocean Unit     
      Click Here:  Week 1        Week 2 
                           Day 1         Day 6 
                           Day 2         Day 7
                           Day 3         Day 8 
                           Day 4         Day 9 
                           Day 5         Day 10
2) Polar Regions Unit 
                         Antarctic      Arctic    
                           Week 3      Week 4
                           Day 1         Day 6
                           Day 2         Day 7 
                           Day 3         Day 8 
                           Day 4         Day 9 
                           Day 5         Day 10 
3) Australia Unit
                          Week 5       Week 6 
                          Day 1          Day 6 
                          Day 2          Day 7
                          Day 3          Day 8
                          Day 4          Day 9 
                          Day 5          Day 10

4) Nature/Wild Animals Unit
                         Week 7        Week 8
                         Day 1           Day 6
                         Day 2           Day 7 
                         Day 3           Day 8 
                         Day 4           Day 9
                         Day 5           Day 10

Week Break from Units 
                        Week 9
                         Day 1 
                         Day 2  
                         Day 3 
                         Day 4
                         Day 5

5) American Indians Unit  - For Resource Links for this unit - Click Here
                        Week 10         Week 11
                         Day 1             Day 6
                         Day 2             Day 7
                         Day 3             Day 8
                         Day 4             Day 9
                         Day 5             Day 10

6) Pilgrim Unit
                        Week 12         Week 13 
                        Day 1              Day 6 
                        Day 2              Day 7 
                        Day 3              Day 8
                        Day 4              Day 9
                        Day 5              Day 10

7) Pioneer Unit
    1) Pioneer Unit Resources 

8) Pony Express Unit
    1) Pony Express Resources 

9) Textile Unit - Asia 
    1) Asia Unit Study Resources

10) Gold Rush Unit
11) Rocks/Minerals Unit - Africa
12) South America Unit 

Need Help Planning Out Your Year? 
Check out these wonderful Planners.


  1. I think it is wonderful that you have the year planned out! I have tried planning out ahead of time, but my daughter manages to dash my careful planning by the middle of the 1st week! Basically we just follow our core curriculum ( because it plans the lessons and if she gets off schedule she still knows what comes next! Now I just have a list of things that must be done each day, like piano practice, Spanish lesson, guitar practice, etc, and how many lessons she needs to accomplish in school. Most days I let her decide which subjects to work in. I really am a bit envious of your full year plan. Maybe as we transition into high school this year and next we will keep to the planned schedule!

  2. Thanks for your comment Linda! :) I think that it's great that you let your daughter decide what subjects to work in. I think this really keeps the child engaged and excited with their learning. :)


Thank you for your comment! :)