Have you ever heard of Geocaching? The first time I ever heard of it I was a bit confused by it. After some research and my first adventure out, I was hooked! It's so fun and it's also a wonderful homeschool activity.
The word geocache (Gee-oh-cash) comes from two words. The first is the prefix geo, meaning "Earth". The second is cache which is a safe place for hiding or storing something.
So a geocache is something that is hidden somewhere on Earth!
What is Geocaching?
Geocaching is a real world treasure hunt using GPS coordinates and clues obtained from a website or smartphone app. Caches are hidden and logged by other Geocachers and include a log to sign and sometimes “swag”.
Geocachers can use the official Geocaching App to locate caches hidden close to their location. Caches are rated based on level of difficulty from beginner to expert.
Geocachers can use the official Geocaching App to locate caches hidden close to their location. Caches are rated based on level of difficulty from beginner to expert.
Information about the size of the cache is also given. Caches can be sized from micro to large. Larger caches are especially fun to find because they are likely to contain some fun swag. You can take a swag item if you leave a swag item in it's place.
Geocaching swag can be anything from homemade trinkets to official Geocaching swag items. Most are small and inexpensive. My daughters love finding the swag and bringing items to exchange.
Geocaching swag can be anything from homemade trinkets to official Geocaching swag items. Most are small and inexpensive. My daughters love finding the swag and bringing items to exchange.
How do I find the geocache?
Why is Geocaching a wonderful homeschool activity?
Geocaching and homeschooling naturally go together. Especially when you want a family friendly activity that will get everyone out in nature with something to do. Geocaching encourages children to explore their surroundings while using critical thinking skills to find the cache.
Your children can learn:
- Safety
They can learn how to be safe in the woods and in areas that may be a little difficult to navigate.
- Art
- Environment
- History
- Physical education
- Nature Studies
- Problem Solving
Many caches require geocachers to solve basic problems to identify the coordinates or even figure out how to access the cache once they find it. This requires a bit of creativity and some problem solving skills.
These are only a few ideas of how geocaching can benefit your child's education. You can get more ideas HERE.
FREE Geocaching Journal Printables
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Do you like our FREE printables? Click Here to view more.
(This is a nice addition to add to the journal)
Geocaching Websites for Kids
Geocaching is a great homeschool activity and can be fun for the whole family. Use geocache hunts to introduce your kids to new parks, new activities and/or the natural history of your area. It also can make a fun addition to your next vacation. Look up cache locations along highways and near hotels to make travel time more interesting.
Have you tried Geocaching? We would love to hear your stories. How have you incorporated Geocaching into your homeschool lessons?

Our family has enjoyed geocaching for years. The kids think of it like a treasure hunt. I love how they learn to love the outdoors and how much we need to protect it. They have seen for themselves how much garbage is out there and how quick it is diminishing. We take a garbage bag with us and the kids pick up any trash they see. I am proud of how much they respect the environment and wildlife.