A few years ago, when my daughters were small, I could have only wished I would have had the opportunity to read the e-book Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feet from Preschoolers and Peace. I have homeschooled my three daughters from the beginning and having read a book such as this, would have really gave me a ton of ideas on how to homeschool them and still keep some sanity. Ha! I suppose, I managed to keep a little bit of it, but seriously this is an excellent book filled with a ton of encouragement and wise information. I was really excited about doing this review, not because I have preschoolers, but because I know a ton of my readers do. I figured the information would be extremely helpful and relatable. I also figured I could tell you all about it. I figured right, well sort of. I am very excited to share all about it with you, but I never honestly thought I would wind up taking as much from it for myself as I did. There were parts of the book that I needed to read and quite frankly I'm so thankful I did.
What exactly is Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feet?
Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feet is a short e-book that is packed full of lovely information. It is a resource for moms. It includes chapters such as
- What a Homeschooling Mom Needs
- Preparing Yourself to Homeschool Older Kids With Little Ones Underfoot
- Planning Around Preschoolers
- How Do I Keep Them Busy?
- What Does a 2-Year-Old's Day Look Like?
- How Do I Get Any Preschooling Done?
- How Not to Just Kill Time
- Circle Time: Or How We Pull the Little Ones In
- Preschool Boys
- When All of Your Kiddos Are Preschoolers
- Preschool Chores
- Planning for Preschool
- When Mama is Worn Out (or Pregnant)
- Meal Planning 101
This e-book was written by a wonderful blogger, Kendra Fletcher. Kendra blogs at Preschoolers and Peace. For years, the readers of Preschoolers and Peace had asked for a "best of" the site in an e-Book. Therefore, she created the e-book. It is inspired by her own experiences during the homeschooling of her 8 children. Ultimately, she has homeschooled for 16 years and has always had a preschooler in the home. Her wise advice comes not from just speculation, but truly from her real life experiences. It's filled with encouragement, her incredible faith and practical ideas.
I was able to read through the book fairly quickly. As I read through, reading each chapter, I began to see more and more how even though I don't have preschoolers anymore, I could still adapt so much of the information to my own life. I loved how she shared how sometimes we think homeschooling should look a certain way. Again, guilty! I used to think so many times, that I was doing something wrong, because I wasn't doing it a certain way. I loved how she went on to share about realizing that we make decisions based from our own circumstances, resources, and culture. Everything I read was so spot on.
Her list of activities are fun and educational. I had heard of and even used many of them with my daughters, but a few were new and sounded like a ton of fun. I especially loved her chapter on meal planning. It was a great read. I've never been great at meal planning, but after reading about how she manages it, I was inspired to want to give it a try.
Kendra finishes the book with a final word of encouragement and the last pages are filled with wonderful resources that correspond with each chapter.
Ultimately, this is an e-book that provides wonderful tips on successfully homeschooling with a preschooler in the home. If you have a preschooler, I can assure you that you will find wonderful ideas and advice in the e-book. However, preschooler or no preschooler, I found this book to be a treasure of encouragement for all mothers. I highly recommend reading it!
What does Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feet cost?
The cost of the e-book is only $2.99
Want to connect with Preschoolers and Peace?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KendraEFletcher
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kenj/
Click below to read more review from the Schoolhouse Review Crew
Thanks for the kinds words, Jennifer! Hey, if you can get some new meal planning ideas, that's great!