What is Clued in Kids?
What is the Homework Reward Treasure Hunt?
What is the Multiplication Dragons treasure hunt?
Multiplication Dragons treasure hunts are five printable, teaching treasure hunts that will motivate your children to learn their times-tables . This hunts also contain puzzles, riddles and fun activities. These activities teach multiplication (2x - 6x) while leading your child on an adventure around the home. Again, each hunt takes about 8 minutes to set up. The hunts provide about an hour of fun for up to 10 kids. The set-up instructions are very clear and I had no trouble setting them up. Well, I did have a little trouble, but it was only trying to keep my daughters from peeking. I used these with two of my daughters. They are 10 and 11. They had a ton of fun with these hunts as well. The best part of all is that they have so much fun with them, they didn't even care that they were doing math. A treasure is also offered at the end of these hunts. The treasure I offered for these hunts was candy. Fun treats for super fun hunts.
~Final Thought~
Even though we have done treasure hunts before, I would have never thought about doing them in such an educational way as these hunts have provided. I loved how easy to set up they are and that they only require things already in your house! I thoroughly enjoyed watching my daughters participate and work as a team. I was very surprised to see how well they worked together and how rewarding it was for them to finish. I also liked that the treasure can be anything you choose to place in the last location. Anytime a product leaves a smile on my daughters faces is a huge win for them and for me as well. I recommend the Clued in Kids treasure hunts for everyone.
What do they cost?
Homework Reward Treasure Hunt - $5.99 (At this time, you can receive this hunt for free by signing up for the newsletter.)
Multiplication Dragons - $19.99
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