Purposeful Design: Understanding the Creation is an award winning, hardback, 96 page book written by Jay Schabacker. The book beautifully reveals the principles of science and explains the elements of design that make life possible. Most importantly, to me, is that it presents compelling evidence that a loving Creator, God, was purposeful in the designs. Mr. Schabacker breaks down each day in the creation week and expands on each concept with beautiful words, photos, and illustrations. I was pleased to read and study this book alongside my three daughters. My daughters are 11, 10, and 8 and were very interested in the book. We had a ton of fun reading through it and exploring each chapter. Just like there are seven days in the creation there are seven chapters.
1) The First Day - Creation of the Heavens and the Earth - The Foundation of it All.
2) The Second Day - Creation of the Atmosphere and Water
3) The Third Day - Creation of the Dry Land and Vegetation
4) The Fourth Day - Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Stars
5) The Fifth Day - Creation of the Birds and Fish
6) Creation Day Six - Creation of Land Creatures and Humans
7) The Seventh Day
Each chapter corresponds with each day of creation. I really like the way Mr. Schabacker did that.
~How we studied Purposeful Design: Understanding the Creation~
We read a few chapters a week and then we spent time studying the information more in depth. A wonderful compliment to the book is the Purposeful Design: Young Explorer’s Club. The Purposeful Design: Young Explorer’s Club includes a 30 page downloadable and printable workbook that corresponds with each chapter. There is also a downloadable and printable teachers manual key and nice completion certificates. All these materials can be downloaded FREE of charge on the Purposeful Design website. My daughters enjoyed the workbook. The workbook breaks down each chapter with question sets, bible verses for reflection, and more exercises, such as drawing and writing their own opinions. It turned out to be a wonderful science and bible study for us. I know that we would have loved the book without the workbook, but having the workbook made the book much more useful for our family. It gave us the opportunity to really dig into what we were reading.
Some of the topics my daughters learned about while reading Purposeful Design: Understanding the Creation were:
- the rain cycle
- vegetation
- seasons
- moon phases
- ocean tides
- birds
- fish
- mammals
- the human body
One of my favorite parts of the Purposeful Design: Young Explorer’s Club was the completion certificates.
I felt that it was such a neat extra. It made my daughters feel good about finishing Purposeful Design: Understanding the Creation and worksheets. I must say though, My absolute favorite part of this review, was reading through the book and knowing that my daughters were learning more about how our loving God, designed with purpose a world for us. This is a book we will return to in the future many times. I'm so thankful that we were able to review it.
Who is this book recommended for?
Purposeful Design: Understanding the Creation is suitable for all ages. In fact, I highly recommend it for everyone.
How much does Purposeful Design cost?
You can currently purchase Purposeful Design for only $18.95. (That is 25% off the retail price of $24.95 plus you get the FREE BONUS Young Explorer’s Club Curriculum)
Want to connect with Purposeful Design?
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/pages/Jay-Schabacker
Twitter: www.Twitter.com/Jayschabacker (Jayschabacker@Jayschabacker)
LinkedIn: Jayschab
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