Hello friends, recently my daughters had the opportunity to review the 12 Month Family Plan from CTC Math. It was such a blessing. We reviewed CTC Math last year and absolutely fell in love with it. It is our favorite math program ever!
What is CTC Math?
The lessons are grouped by course grade levels and then a stream of topics and then sub-topics. This way makes it extremely easy to navigate the lessons. The instructor, Pat Murray, has a true gift for teaching and my daughters loved how he broke down all the steps and how easy it was to understand him and the concepts. He has an awesome Australian accent that my girls and I adored as well. The tutorials feature really cool interactive animations that really capture and hold my daughters attention.
The program features the lessons section, a wonderful parent section, a speed skills section, settings section, search section and lastly an awards/certificates section.
The speed skills section is a great way for my daughters to improve on their math skills. They found this section to be fun. Anytime my daughters enjoy doing math is a win.

For this review, I asked my daughters to complete two lessons a day, at least three days a week. Many times they would complete more so they could print out an award certificate. The certificates definitely motivated them to learn more.
I personally loved the parents section best. I love the fact that I can log in to check the progress of each daughter. My favorite thing about this program is even if I forget to check in, I get an e-mail with a PDF file of the girl's progress for the week. I really love that! Each lesson also includes a printable lesson summary that has came in handy for us many times. I know longer wonder why the printer is printing out something without me knowing anymore. It's just my daughter printing out her lesson summary. At the end of each lesson you have the option to print the lesson results as well. Last year I created folders for each of my daughters to keep all of their math printouts in. They have continued to use them for the review this year as well.
Final Thoughts
I really feel that this program can be used as a full curriculum or as a supplement. Like I said before, it is our favorite math program and we are planning on using it for a very long time. I can't say enough how much we all enjoy it. I highly recommend it!
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