I recently had the opportunity to review SchoolhouseTeachers.com. After only a few minutes, yes minutes of looking around the site, I was thrilled! After days of using the site, I was more than thrilled. In fact, I was feeling pretty confident about this year. I don't generally get very excited about online programs, but SchoolhouseTeachers.com has so much to offer. It's the mother load of awesomeness. I truly feel like I could use the site to make a full curriculum plan. I already have my year planned, but I will be using the site to fill in gaps. One thing that I love, love, love about this site is that it is designed for families of all ages. If you have a child in elementary grades or a child in high school, it's fine, they do indeed have material for all ages. I love this and I find it easy to navigate my way through the different areas they offer.
So what does SchoolhouseTeachers.com offer, you might be wondering?
You can check out their Sign-up Page to see all the great benefits of having a membership.
The Schoolhouse Dailies area alone makes having a membership worth it to me. It is so well organized. This is where it will make it easy for me to fill in my curriculum gaps. If I don't have a subject planned for the day, I can easily log in and for example click on the daily grammar link. Here I will be able to access the grammar lesson for the day. You can view the lessons online and you also have to option to easily print them. I love the fact that they offer daily, weekly, and monthly lesson plans and when they add new lessons, the old lessons are put into an archive. I think it is great that they do indeed archive. This makes it easy to find lessons that you might not have seen or had a chance to get around to completing.
Oh and I can't forget to add that they have an area dedicated to extras. in this area you will have access to e-books, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine back issues, member discounts and all five Schoolhouse Daily Planners. Eeekkk! Seriously, the planners are amazing! These are not your average, every day planners. These planners are filled with lots of valuable information. Just a small example of what they include are calendars, forms, lists, articles, must know info, and so much more. I'm looking forward to using these awesome planners in our home.

Another thing I wanted to share is that I access SchoolhouseTeachers.com by using the Chrome browser, but I did access it using Internet Explorer and Firefox. The website worked flawlessly in each browser.

Another thing I wanted to share is that I access SchoolhouseTeachers.com by using the Chrome browser, but I did access it using Internet Explorer and Firefox. The website worked flawlessly in each browser.
Are you wondering what this costs?
Cost per month is just $12.95, but the first month is only $3. Also you might consider purchasing a yearly membership where you will be able to save even more. I personally think that it is well worth it. I know I won't be hesitating to renew my subscription when it runs out.
Well friends, if I had to sum up my review in one word, it would be --- Blessing!
I say this because, I can already see how having a membership is going to be a huge blessing to not just me, but our family. The amount of time and content that the amazing people at SchoolhouseTeachers.com put into their site is amazing. I'm thankful that there is a group of people willing to help and improve they way we connect and learn. It truly is a blessing.
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Thank you for the great post,It is really a big help.thanks for sharing nice blog